Brewery Guide & Special Events
Cape Town Brewery Tours

Wagon Trail Brewery in Stellenbosch. Cape Town, brewery, tours, breweries, winelands, exiting, beer, fun

Beer Tasting at Wagon Trail Brewery, Stellenbosch. Cape Town, brewery, tours, breweries, winelands, exiting, beer, fun

Various grains in the use of making beer. Cape Town, brewery, tours, breweries, winelands, exiting, beer, fun

Wagon Trail Brewery in Stellenbosch. Cape Town, brewery, tours, breweries, winelands, exiting, beer, fun
Cape Town Brewery Tours

Newlands Brewery
Brewery Website: http://newlandsbrewery.co.za/
Description: Newlands Brewery’s story began on the banks of the Liesbeek River where Pieter Visagie first brewed beer in 1658. In the mid-1800s, Jacob Lettersedt built the original Mariendahl Brewery in Newlands. Upon his death, Anders Ohlsson was first in a succession of proud brewers to nurture the noble traditions and whose legacy is enjoyed to this day.
On the playing fields of Newlands, history and the record books keep being re-written. And every sip of the way, their legendary beers have stood testimony to the fact that when you spend so much time practicing, you eventually get rather good at it.
Today Newlands Brewery brews 8 famous beers and satisfies this corner of our thirsty land.
The best way to experience the making of their beer is by touring their brewery. You’ll get a fantastic beer experience along with a taste of history. In the shadow of the mountain, you’ll enjoy 100% pure, natural refreshment with almost 200 years of tradition when you sample our coldest, freshest, finest beers!
Food pairing evenings are hosted at Newlands Brewery on the last Thursday of every month.